Property building, Property Logo/Sign in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Best Western Plus

Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff


Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluffへようこそ!あなたの冒険が始まります!テネシー州ノックスビルの賑やかな中心部からわずか10.6マイルに位置するこの魅力的なホテルは、快適さと便利さを兼ね備えています。料金はわずか$109から始まり、バンクを壊すことなくボランティア州の豊かな風景を楽しむ準備が整います。420 Nピーターズロードに位置する当ホテルは、ノックスビルが提供する活気ある文化、食、自然の美しさを探索するための完璧な拠点です!


ビジネスでもレジャーでも、当ホテルには必要なものがすべて揃っています。無料Wi-Fiでつながり続けることができ、ビジネスセンターも完備しています。家族連れや一人旅の探検者も、無料駐車場や24時間対応のフロントデスクなどの便利なアメニティを楽しむことができます。さあ、荷物をまとめてBest Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluffで思い出を作る準備をしましょう—リラクゼーションとエキサイティングなアクティビティの完璧な組み合わせがあなたを待っています!

Bed in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Bed in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff



1 キングサイズベッド


420 平方フィート







1 ソファベッド

1 キングサイズベッド


375 平方フィート







1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

キングベッドルーム, シングルユース, ソファーベッド



ノックスビルを探索した後は、私たちの魅力的な宿泊施設でくつろいでください。ロマンチックな getaway のための快適なクイーンルームを好む方も、より大きな家族を収容できる広々としたスイートを好む方も、あなたにぴったりの部屋があります。豪華なキングスイートのリビングエリアで新鮮に淹れたコーヒーを飲んでいる自分を想像してみてください。キッチンとソファベッドが完備されており、冒険の一日を終えた後のリラックスやエンターテイメントに最適です。さまざまな部屋のデザインと現代的なアメニティが揃っているため、誰もが自分の天国を見つけることができ、あなたの滞在は素晴らしいものになること間違いなしです。

ここでの朝のスタートは本当に特別です!日々の活動に備えてエネルギーを補充する、熱い料理と冷たい料理の美味しいセレクションを特徴とした無料の朝食をお楽しみください。ふわふわのパンケーキからエネルギーを与えるフルーツまで、私たちの朝食の spread には誰もが楽しめるものがあります。そして、忙しい一日が待っている場合でも心配はいりません。さっと食べられる軽食とコーヒーを持ち帰って、ノックスビルでの興奮の瞬間を逃さないようにしましょう。さらに、ホテル全体に Wi-Fi が完備されているので、旅の様子をソーシャルメディアで共有したり、旅程を計画したりする際も、つながりを保つのは簡単です。

Property Building in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Lobby or reception, Seating Area in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff


夕方が訪れると、私たちの季節限定の屋外プールで遊んでみませんか?太陽が沈み、星が現れる中でくつろぐのに最適な方法です。雰囲気は魔法のようで、月明かりの中で泳いだり、あるいは一日の疲れを癒すために静かに浸かることを誘っています。私たちの優れたホスピタリティと、あなたの滞在を楽しませるために尽力する attentive なスタッフのおかげで、あなたはリフレッシュし、活力を取り戻し、テネシーの中心にある Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff への次回の訪問を計画する準備が整うことでしょう!

Photo of the whole room in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Bed in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff










Bathroom in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Bathroom in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff




Activities, Swimming Pool in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Activities, Swimming Pool in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Property Building in Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff
Hands down one of the best budget hotels I've stayed at. Heck, I would choose this place over some of the more luxurious ones I've visited! Everything was clean and modern, and all of the employees were delightful. We all know that hotel breakfast has gotten pretty skimpy during covid, but NOT here - full hot breakfast plus yogurt bar, waffles, pancakes, cereal, bagels, and a variety of coffee styles. If you're passing through knoxville, ditch the mess downtown and stop here instead.


Very easy to find. The young lady working the front was very sweet and welcoming. She even talked about how she liked her job there, interacting with guests. Our room was clean and easy to find. Parking was adequate and the facility was very quiet at night (which is very nice, we have stayed at other facilities and it was the complete opposite.) The value is great for the room as well.


The room was roomy. I liked having the sink and vanity separate from the toilet and bath. The in-room amenities were perfect for us (microwave, fridge, large flat screen TV). The facility provided a full breakfast which included biscuits & gravy, pancakes, eggs, sausage, cappuccino machine and more. The desk staff were very friendly and helpful.


By far this was my favorite hotel. Cross the county we have been in hotel rooms for 9 nights. j was always a “holiday inn” fan. I can honestly without doubt say that Best Westsrn Plus has impressed me more than the other place and I will always check them first. Clean. the beds so comfortable. friendly. awesome breakfast. I love it


Everything! The room was beautiful & clean and the front desk attendant was amazing! They made us to-go bags with breakfast items as we had to leave early. We got in at 1200am and had to leave at 530am, so the only regret I had was that we didn't have more time to spend in the room!


Hands down one of the best budget hotels I've stayed at. Heck, I would choose this place over some of the more luxurious ones I've visited! Everything was clean and modern, and all of the employees were delightful. We all know that hotel breakfast has gotten pretty skimpy during covid, but NOT here - full hot breakfast plus yogurt bar, waffles, pancakes, cereal, bagels, and a variety of coffee styles. If you're passing through knoxville, ditch the mess downtown and stop here instead.


Very easy to find. The young lady working the front was very sweet and welcoming. She even talked about how she liked her job there, interacting with guests. Our room was clean and easy to find. Parking was adequate and the facility was very quiet at night (which is very nice, we have stayed at other facilities and it was the complete opposite.) The value is great for the room as well.


The room was roomy. I liked having the sink and vanity separate from the toilet and bath. The in-room amenities were perfect for us (microwave, fridge, large flat screen TV). The facility provided a full breakfast which included biscuits & gravy, pancakes, eggs, sausage, cappuccino machine and more. The desk staff were very friendly and helpful.


By far this was my favorite hotel. Cross the county we have been in hotel rooms for 9 nights. j was always a “holiday inn” fan. I can honestly without doubt say that Best Westsrn Plus has impressed me more than the other place and I will always check them first. Clean. the beds so comfortable. friendly. awesome breakfast. I love it


Everything! The room was beautiful & clean and the front desk attendant was amazing! They made us to-go bags with breakfast items as we had to leave early. We got in at 1200am and had to leave at 530am, so the only regret I had was that we didn't have more time to spend in the room!


Hands down one of the best budget hotels I've stayed at. Heck, I would choose this place over some of the more luxurious ones I've visited! Everything was clean and modern, and all of the employees were delightful. We all know that hotel breakfast has gotten pretty skimpy during covid, but NOT here - full hot breakfast plus yogurt bar, waffles, pancakes, cereal, bagels, and a variety of coffee styles. If you're passing through knoxville, ditch the mess downtown and stop here instead.


Very easy to find. The young lady working the front was very sweet and welcoming. She even talked about how she liked her job there, interacting with guests. Our room was clean and easy to find. Parking was adequate and the facility was very quiet at night (which is very nice, we have stayed at other facilities and it was the complete opposite.) The value is great for the room as well.


The room was roomy. I liked having the sink and vanity separate from the toilet and bath. The in-room amenities were perfect for us (microwave, fridge, large flat screen TV). The facility provided a full breakfast which included biscuits & gravy, pancakes, eggs, sausage, cappuccino machine and more. The desk staff were very friendly and helpful.


By far this was my favorite hotel. Cross the county we have been in hotel rooms for 9 nights. j was always a “holiday inn” fan. I can honestly without doubt say that Best Westsrn Plus has impressed me more than the other place and I will always check them first. Clean. the beds so comfortable. friendly. awesome breakfast. I love it


Everything! The room was beautiful & clean and the front desk attendant was amazing! They made us to-go bags with breakfast items as we had to leave early. We got in at 1200am and had to leave at 530am, so the only regret I had was that we didn't have more time to spend in the room!



420 North Peters Road, Knoxville, 37922, テネシー州, アメリカ

Best Western Plus Knoxville Cedar Bluff